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KingSumo WordPress Plugin Help & FAQ
KingSumo Web App Help & FAQ
Viral giveaway tool to get more creators
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KingSumo Web App Help & FAQ
Knowledge Base for the KS Web App
How is the winner of a giveaway selected?
How can I obtain the emails of my giveaway’s entrants?
Does KingSumo send any emails automatically?
How can people enter my giveaway?
Can I remove KingSumo branding from my emails?
How can I integrate my email marketing tool to KingSumo?
Are there any resources that can explain how KingSumo’s giveaways work?
Can you advertise my giveaway?
Why can’t I see people’s names in the CSV file I downloaded?
Can I add Google Analytics code to my contest page?
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KingSumo WordPress Plugin Help & FAQ
Knowledge Base for the KingSumo WP Plugin
What is the difference between the KingSumo WordPress Plugin and the Web App?
Where can I download the latest version on the KingSumo WordPress plugin?
How is the winner of a giveaway selected?
How do I resend confirmation emails?
Are Giveaways compliant with Facebook’s terms of service?
How can I integrate my email marketing tool to KingSumo?
Does the WordPress Plugin work for one domain for life or one active domain at a time?
Does KingSumo send any emails automatically?
How can I obtain the emails of my giveaway’s entrants?
Why is my license key is invalid?
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